Asset Management

Asset Inventory, ISO 55000 (Asset Management) Consultancy, Asset Optimization, Asset Integrity Management System.

Lebih Lanjut

Business Advisory

Feasibility Study, Due Diligent, Financial Consultan, Business Plan, Highest and Best Use, Project Monitoring.

Lebih Lanjut

Technical Consultancy

Monitoring Project, Perencanaan Kawasan Industri dan Komersial, Hemat Energi, Konsep Energi Hijau (Green Energy), Basic Engineering Design, Detail Engineering Design.

Lebih Lanjut

Survey & Research

Customer Satisfaction Survey, Business Intelligent, Business Analyst, Market Survey, Harga Satuan Barang & Jasa (HSBJ), Harga Satuan Pekerjaan (HSPK), Product Development Survey, Market Analysis, Terrestrial Survey, Survey & Monitoring, Ground Control Point & Ground Check Survey, Bathimetry Survey, Asset Inventory Survey, Thematic Survey.

Lebih Lanjut

ICT Consulting

Sistem Informasi Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu, Sistem Informasi Monitoring & Analisa Survey (Monalisa), Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Barang Negara/Daerah, Sistem Informasi Analisis Jabatan, Sistem Informasi UMKM, Sistem Informasi Geografis.

Lebih Lanjut

Training Services

Project Management Fundamental Training, Knowledge Management Training, Pre Retirement Training, Owner Estimate Price Training, General Affair Development Training, Energy Auditor Certification Training, Self Driving/Self Motivation Training.

Lebih Lanjut

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PT. Sucofindo Advisory Utama
Graha Sucofindo, Annex B,
Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu, Kav.34
Jakarta 12780

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